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10+ Super Rare Silver Deathlayer Chicken fertile hatching eggs10+ Super Rare Silver Deathlayer Chicken fertile hatching eggs $49.99 New Listing12+ Bearded Crested Buff Silkie Hatching Eggs Npip CertifiedNew Listing12+ Bearded Crested Buff Silkie Hatching Eggs Npip Certified $34.99
Celadon Hatching Eggs Quail. 50 + NpipCeladon Hatching Eggs Quail. 50 + Npip $20.00 Indio Gigante 6+Eggs Huge Giant Chicken Hatching longest chickens breed BrazilIndio Gigante 6+Eggs Huge Giant Chicken Hatching longest chickens breed Brazil $29.95
12 Peruvian Assorted Hatching Gamefowl Eggs.12 Peruvian Assorted Hatching Gamefowl Eggs. $55.00 Call Duck Hatching Eggs 6 +Call Duck Hatching Eggs 6 + $52.00
Russian Pavlovskaya Chicken Hatching Eggs Quantity 3 Eggs.Russian Pavlovskaya Chicken Hatching Eggs Quantity 3 Eggs. $50.00 15 Jubilee Orpington Hatching eggs15 Jubilee Orpington Hatching eggs $51.00
(12+) 1 Doz. "Zombie Chicken" Eggs - Ayam Cemani Hybrids! Hitchcock “Grayscale”(12+) 1 Doz. "Zombie Chicken" Eggs - Ayam Cemani Hybrids! Hitchcock “Grayscale” $25.00 3 Narragansett Turkey Hatching Eggs3 Narragansett Turkey Hatching Eggs $75.00
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸1 2+American Bresse Hatching Eggs🐣Purebred🐓Very Fertile🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸1 2+American Bresse Hatching Eggs🐣Purebred🐓Very Fertile🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇸 $24.99 3 Fertile Barnyard Mix Rare. Silkie, Wyandotte, Ayam Cemani, Naked neck, Maran3 Fertile Barnyard Mix Rare. Silkie, Wyandotte, Ayam Cemani, Naked neck, Maran $8.85
"(10+) Lc Assorted Pure Red Poultry Chicken Hatching Eggs""(10+) Lc Assorted Pure Red Poultry Chicken Hatching Eggs" $18.00 Ayam Cemani eggs for hatching chickenAyam Cemani eggs for hatching chicken $50.00
12 Barnyard Mix Hatching Eggs - English orpington, Polish, Cochin…12 Barnyard Mix Hatching Eggs - English orpington, Polish, Cochin… $39.00 New Listing12+ Blue Cream Lavendar Bearded Crested Silkie Hatching Eggs Npip CertifiedNew Listing12+ Blue Cream Lavendar Bearded Crested Silkie Hatching Eggs Npip Certified $34.99
New Listing12+ Grey Silkie Showgirl Hatching EggsNew Listing12+ Grey Silkie Showgirl Hatching Eggs $24.99 6 Lavender Orpington Hatching Eggs6 Lavender Orpington Hatching Eggs $8.00
Ameraucana Hatching Eggs 12 Bbs Blue Black Splash Fertile Chicken Hatching EggsAmeraucana Hatching Eggs 12 Bbs Blue Black Splash Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs $15.50 12 Japanese Bantam Chicken Hatching Eggs Mixed Colors Frizzle & Smooth Feathered12 Japanese Bantam Chicken Hatching Eggs Mixed Colors Frizzle & Smooth Feathered $35.00
Bantam Hatching EggsBantam Hatching Eggs $40.00 New Listing7 Npip/Ai Clean Black Sumatra Chicken Hatching Eggs Show Quality Grade A+New Listing7 Npip/Ai Clean Black Sumatra Chicken Hatching Eggs Show Quality Grade A+ $44.99
Silver Double Laced Barnevelder Hatching Eggs 10+ Rare FertileSilver Double Laced Barnevelder Hatching Eggs 10+ Rare Fertile $20.00 Six (6) Silkie Showgirl Eggs - High Quality, Double Gene Copies! Ships Fast!Six (6) Silkie Showgirl Eggs - High Quality, Double Gene Copies! Ships Fast! $30.00
50+ + Fertile Button Quail Hatching Eggs. Npip50+ + Fertile Button Quail Hatching Eggs. Npip $30.00 1 Doz + Isabella Leghorn Extremely Rare n Beautiful Hatching Eggs1 Doz + Isabella Leghorn Extremely Rare n Beautiful Hatching Eggs $36.00
Not fully developed egg1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 111111111Not fully developed egg1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 111111111 $20.00 New Listing12+ Roundhead Hatching Eggs chicken GamefowlNew Listing12+ Roundhead Hatching Eggs chicken Gamefowl $12.50
New Listing8 Pure Grey Gamefowl Hatching Egg Assortment chicken hatching eggsNew Listing8 Pure Grey Gamefowl Hatching Egg Assortment chicken hatching eggs $59.00 6+2 White Crested Variety Colors, Polish Hatching Eggs6+2 White Crested Variety Colors, Polish Hatching Eggs $25.00
12 Fertile Coturnix Quail Hatching Eggs Blue Celedon Trait12 Fertile Coturnix Quail Hatching Eggs Blue Celedon Trait $7.41 6+ Serama Eggs -Nc-"Benefits Charity" A-B -Micro Class6+ Serama Eggs -Nc-"Benefits Charity" A-B -Micro Class $8.00
Celadon coturnix quail hatching eggs, 12 Eggs, True BlueCeladon coturnix quail hatching eggs, 12 Eggs, True Blue $15.00 8+2 Extras Ameraucana & Easter Egger Chicken Hatching Eggs8+2 Extras Ameraucana & Easter Egger Chicken Hatching Eggs $15.00
12+ Brahma Hatching Eggs.12+ Brahma Hatching Eggs. $45.00 5+ White Bresse Eggs5+ White Bresse Eggs $20.00
5+ Olive Egger Eggs5+ Olive Egger Eggs $20.00 New Listing6 Jubilee Orpington Hatching eggsNew Listing6 Jubilee Orpington Hatching eggs $60.00
6+ Pure Huge Self-Blue Lavender Ameraucana fertilized hatching eggs6+ Pure Huge Self-Blue Lavender Ameraucana fertilized hatching eggs $26.00 Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs (12+) Npip certifiedAyam Cemani Hatching Eggs (12+) Npip certified $65.00
New Listing6 Fertile Cayuga Duck Hatching Eggs - Superior Service!💥Special Bonus💥Opens in a new window or tab$19.99New Listing6 Fertile Cayuga Duck Hatching Eggs - Superior Service!💥Special Bonus💥Opens in a new window or tab$19.99 $19.99 Ayem Cemani ProjectAyem Cemani Project $40.00
6 McLean Hatch Pure Hatching Eggs6 McLean Hatch Pure Hatching Eggs $50.00 1 Fertile Silkie Mix Hatching Egg Read Description !1 Fertile Silkie Mix Hatching Egg Read Description ! $1.85
10+ Rare Dutch Bantam chicken fertile hatching eggs Gorgeous Light Brown variety10+ Rare Dutch Bantam chicken fertile hatching eggs Gorgeous Light Brown variety $19.99 Black Bantam Cochin Hatching Eggs 6 +Black Bantam Cochin Hatching Eggs 6 + $25.00
6 Ayam Cemani Bantam chicken eggs6 Ayam Cemani Bantam chicken eggs $20.00 6+ Huge Pure Isabella Brahma Hatching Eggs Very Rare6+ Huge Pure Isabella Brahma Hatching Eggs Very Rare $56.00
12 + ? ? Black Crested Mixed Bantams Polish Russian Pavlovskaya chicken eggs12 + ? ? Black Crested Mixed Bantams Polish Russian Pavlovskaya chicken eggs $5.00 10 Khaki Campbell Duck Eggs - Fertile Hatching Eggs -Usps Delivery10 Khaki Campbell Duck Eggs - Fertile Hatching Eggs -Usps Delivery $10.00
6+ Mixed Color Call Duck Hatching Eggs Grey Snowy Bibbed White Miniature Mini6+ Mixed Color Call Duck Hatching Eggs Grey Snowy Bibbed White Miniature Mini $41.00 Silkie Hatching Eggs Mottled 6, Satin, Showgirl, Frizzle Npip & Ai CleanSilkie Hatching Eggs Mottled 6, Satin, Showgirl, Frizzle Npip & Ai Clean $30.00
8+ Very Rare Silkie Crested, Bearded & Muffed Hatching Eggs, Show Stoppers!8+ Very Rare Silkie Crested, Bearded & Muffed Hatching Eggs, Show Stoppers! $28.00 12 (Hens Choice) Orpington Hatching Chicken Eggs . Pure Orpington.12 (Hens Choice) Orpington Hatching Chicken Eggs . Pure Orpington. $9.50
6 Buff Seabright Bantam Hatching Eggs6 Buff Seabright Bantam Hatching Eggs $19.99 5+ Cream Legbar Eggs5+ Cream Legbar Eggs $20.00
10+ Silver Birchen Chocolate And Black Orpington Hatching Eggs10+ Silver Birchen Chocolate And Black Orpington Hatching Eggs $40.00 8+ Frizzle, Smooth, Showgirl Bantam Polish Eggs! Variety Of Colors!8+ Frizzle, Smooth, Showgirl Bantam Polish Eggs! Variety Of Colors! $40.00
4 Silkie Barnyard Mix Fertile Hatching Eggs! Read Description For List Of Hens4 Silkie Barnyard Mix Fertile Hatching Eggs! Read Description For List Of Hens $9.25 20+ Rare Variety Ginger Red Old English Bantam chicken fertile hatching eggs20+ Rare Variety Ginger Red Old English Bantam chicken fertile hatching eggs $29.99
12+ Beautiful~ Dominique ~ Purebred Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs12+ Beautiful~ Dominique ~ Purebred Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs $29.95 New Listing*Rare*(6) Lavender Orpington Hatching EggsNew Listing*Rare*(6) Lavender Orpington Hatching Eggs $27.77
6 + Eggs Pure bred Black and Splash Jersey Giant Chicken Hatching eggs6 + Eggs Pure bred Black and Splash Jersey Giant Chicken Hatching eggs $10.00 *Rare* 10+2 Black Cotournix Quail Eggs*Rare* 10+2 Black Cotournix Quail Eggs $31.00
5+ Sebastopol/American Buff Goose Hatching Eggs5+ Sebastopol/American Buff Goose Hatching Eggs $74.00 Rare Grade A Egg With A Ladybug Crack On ItRare Grade A Egg With A Ladybug Crack On It $7,000.00
10+ Silver Jubilee English Orpington Hatching Eggs10+ Silver Jubilee English Orpington Hatching Eggs $35.00 5+ Black Copper Marans Eggs5+ Black Copper Marans Eggs $20.00
6+ Asst Silkie -Nc-"Benefits Charity"Hatching eggs6+ Asst Silkie -Nc-"Benefits Charity"Hatching eggs $8.00 One Dozen + Extra Fertile Zombie/Moonbeam Hatching EggsOne Dozen + Extra Fertile Zombie/Moonbeam Hatching Eggs $12.00
New Listing6+ W. Horse Bacon Game Fowl Hatching EggsNew Listing6+ W. Horse Bacon Game Fowl Hatching Eggs $65.00 6+ Silkie And Satin ( Smooth And Frizzle) Hatching Eggs. Mystery Colors6+ Silkie And Satin ( Smooth And Frizzle) Hatching Eggs. Mystery Colors $45.00
New Listing12+ Bearded Crested Red Silkie Hatching EggsNew Listing12+ Bearded Crested Red Silkie Hatching Eggs $24.99 New Listing12+ Partridge Crele Silkie Showgirl Hatching Eggs Npip CertifiedNew Listing12+ Partridge Crele Silkie Showgirl Hatching Eggs Npip Certified $19.99
6 O-Shamo Oriental Hatching Eggs6 O-Shamo Oriental Hatching Eggs $50.00 4 (+2 free!) Fertile Silkie, Showgirl, Frizzle X Sizzle Bearded And Crested Eggs4 (+2 free!) Fertile Silkie, Showgirl, Frizzle X Sizzle Bearded And Crested Eggs $13.00
18 Blue Lace Red Wyandotte Fertile Hatching Eggs18 Blue Lace Red Wyandotte Fertile Hatching Eggs $16.00 10+ Pure Black Hennie Hatching Eggs Fowl Game Chicken10+ Pure Black Hennie Hatching Eggs Fowl Game Chicken $35.00
Rare Purebred Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs! 10+. Also Bonus Purebreed Mystery EggsRare Purebred Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs! 10+. Also Bonus Purebreed Mystery Eggs $26.09 Bantam Cochin Hatching Eggs 6 +Bantam Cochin Hatching Eggs 6 + $17.00
10 Beautiful Silkie Cross Fresh And Fertile Hatching Eggs For Incubation10 Beautiful Silkie Cross Fresh And Fertile Hatching Eggs For Incubation $27.50 6+2 Ameraucana & Easter Egger Chicken Hatching Eggs6+2 Ameraucana & Easter Egger Chicken Hatching Eggs $15.00
6+ ~Beautiful ~Dark Chocolate English Orpington~ Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs6+ ~Beautiful ~Dark Chocolate English Orpington~ Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs $29.95 5+ Pavlovskaya Eggs5+ Pavlovskaya Eggs $20.00
5+ Swedish Flower Hen Eggs5+ Swedish Flower Hen Eggs $20.00 10 Silkie hatching Eggs Blue Splash 💙 ⭐️Hurricane Sale! Save The Babies!10 Silkie hatching Eggs Blue Splash 💙 ⭐️Hurricane Sale! Save The Babies! $21.50
6 plus Hatching eggs Surprise. all purebred Brahma , orphingtons an more.6 plus Hatching eggs Surprise. all purebred Brahma , orphingtons an more. $15.00 10 + Barnyard Mix,Rare Ayam Ameraucana,barred Rock Polish Silkies10 + Barnyard Mix,Rare Ayam Ameraucana,barred Rock Polish Silkies $15.00
2 Dozen Jumbo Pharoah And Jumbo Italian Quail Hatching Eggs2 Dozen Jumbo Pharoah And Jumbo Italian Quail Hatching Eggs $30.00 8+ Silkie Showgirl Hatching Eggs - High Quality, Rainbow colors! Ships Fast!8+ Silkie Showgirl Hatching Eggs - High Quality, Rainbow colors! Ships Fast! $15.00
1 Dozen + Purebred Silverudd Hatching Eggs True Green Egg Layer Breed!1 Dozen + Purebred Silverudd Hatching Eggs True Green Egg Layer Breed! $27.00 4+ Expensive ~Rare~ Swedish Emerald Fibro Black Bird Lays Green Hatching Eggs4+ Expensive ~Rare~ Swedish Emerald Fibro Black Bird Lays Green Hatching Eggs $29.95
6 Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte Hatching Eggs6 Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte Hatching Eggs $9.50 10+ Double laced Barnevelder chicken hatching eggs10+ Double laced Barnevelder chicken hatching eggs $15.50
10+ Pure Micro A&B Serama Hatching Eggs10+ Pure Micro A&B Serama Hatching Eggs $24.00 12+2Barnyard Mix Eggs Silkie,Ameraucanas, Polish,Ayams, and Barred Rocks12+2Barnyard Mix Eggs Silkie,Ameraucanas, Polish,Ayams, and Barred Rocks $20.00
1 Dozen + Purebred Silver Deathlayer Hatching Eggs Rare Breed1 Dozen + Purebred Silver Deathlayer Hatching Eggs Rare Breed $38.00 gamefowl hatching eggs puregamefowl hatching eggs pure $125.00
15 Blue Scale Quail Hatching Eggs15 Blue Scale Quail Hatching Eggs $56.00 10+ Purebred Faverolles Hatching Eggs Salmon And Creamy Hens Gorgeous Roo!10+ Purebred Faverolles Hatching Eggs Salmon And Creamy Hens Gorgeous Roo! $22.00
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Prices current as of last update, 10/11/24 3:36pm.

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